
The treecreeper, Gallery Sagene Kunstmie, Oslo 2023

photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

The treecreeper, Gallery Sagene Kunstmie, Oslo 2023

photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

The treecreeper, Gallery Sagene Kunstmie, Oslo 2023

photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

The treecreeper, Gallery Sagene Kunstmie, Oslo 2023

photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Goose hexagon II (2023), cement, perlite, pigment, acrylic paint, 82 x 82 x 16 cm
photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Untitled (2023), oil on canvas, 110 x 80 cm
photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Untitled (2022), oil on canvas, 110 x 80 cm
photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Untitled (2023), oil on canvas, 110 x 80 cm
photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Untitled (2022), oil on canvas, 110 x 150 cm
photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Goose hexagon (2022) cement, perlite, acrylic paint

Hjorten Skulpturpark, Stockholm 2022

Authentic images, Gallery BOA, Oslo 2019

photo: Adrian Bugge

Authentic images, Gallery BOA, Oslo 2019

photo: Adrian Bugge

Mother on the porch (2019), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Turbulence (2019), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Authentic images, Gallery BOA, Oslo 2019

photo: Adrian Bugge

Curly house (2018), The kitchen II (2019),    oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm
photo: Adrian Bugge

Curly house (2018), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

The kitchen II (2019), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Authentic images, Kulturbadet Gallery, Sandnessjøen 2020

Authentic images, Kulturbadet Gallery, Sandnessjøen 2020

Bottom of the ocean II, Lisa Larson-figure and plant, The garbage truck I (2018-2019) wax pastel on paper, 35,5 x 30 cm

Lisa Larson-figure and plant (2019), wax pastel on paper, 35,5 x 30 cm

Turbulence, bought by Carpe Diem Demenslandsby, Bærum kommune 2020, photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Curly house, bought by Carpe Diem Demenslandsby, Bærum kommune 2020, photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen

Graduation show, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo 2017

Father on the porch (2017), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Shards (2017), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Bottom of the ocean (2017), oil on canvas, 150 x 125 cm

Get to the bottom of it (2017) video, 11.43    link to video

Remixes (from Autumn exhibition, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo 2017) water colour and ink on paper, 15 x 22 cm

You don’t remember this (2015) animation, 05.00   link to video
© Erik Bromö 2022